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We are a Spirit-led family of Christian believers glorifying God through worship, Bible study, and serving others. Whether you are new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are seeking a new start, you are welcome here. Come join us!
Events and Announcements
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2-3 Teens Camping Trip
3 Time Change
3 Meet & Greet Shower Jay Holland & Heather Beck 9:30 am
6 Feed the Teens 6:15
12 Prayer at the Pole AEN 9:30
13 AISD Staff Development/Student Holiday
17 Youth Progressive Dinner
18 1st Delivery to Helping Hands
20 Feed the Teens 6:15
23 Santa's Helpers Fajita Dinner & Auction
25-29 AISD Thanksgiving Holidays
28 Thanksgiving
*November 2-3- Teens Camping Trip at Martin's
*November 3- Meet & Greet Shower Jay Holland & Heather Beck 9:30 am
*November 3-December 15- Collecting for Sack the Pantry
*November 18- 1st Delivery to Helping Hands
*November 23- Santa's Helpers Fajita Dinner & Auction
*Send the Love- Cards are on a table in the foyer.
Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night Classes
Cradle Roll (newborn18 months)
Bible Hour (2 years-2nd grade)
Middler (3rd grade-5th grade)
Youth Class (6th grade-12th grade)
We also several adult classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
Class 9:00
Service 10:00
Men's Bible Class 9:30
Ladies' Bible Class 11:00
Feed the Teens 6:15 resumes in the fall
Evening Service 7:00
Classes for all ages
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